Friday, October 21, 2011

oh my goodness.

so i was just driving to work. probably driving a tid bit too fast. I'm almost to work at this point. i look to my left and what do i see? yep, you guessed it...a cop! i immediately slam on the breaks (like he didn't just see i was going 85) and pull into the middle lane. and then into the far right hand lane. he speeds down the this point i'm sure that i am about to get pulled over and ticketed for going 20 over! however, to my shock and amazement he continues down the freeway only to pull over the car i was driving behind. THANK YOU!! ha ha. and to make things even funnier - as i'm driving (now in the slow lane) the man in the truck to my left looked over at me with a huge grin on his face laughing...out loud. i'm sure he saw the whole thing and i'm sure it made his day...because he was sure laughing pretty hard. anyway...that's my day so far and its not even 9am!! oh friday's - i sure do love you.

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