Thursday, September 30, 2010


yesterday was the first day of my class at uw tacoma…the class was full so i was hoping to be able to overload into the class. to my surprise it seemed like this would not be able to happen. however, i stayed optimistic! :) when i got into work i checked my email like always and to my amazement my professor had emailed me just minutes before letting me know someone had dropped the class! so i quickly logged on to the registration site and was able to add it!! i am very excited about the class and look forward to it! today is a busy day at work! i am sick…and very tired. but i am going to get as much work done as i can so that i can get home - work on homework and go to bed! despite being sick i am having a very good day! i love my family & love my friends!

oh ya…i forgot to mention my mom bought me an iPad!!!!! i am so excited to use it! thank you mom, i love you!

Friday, September 24, 2010

never second guess who you are...

this is so true! we need to always realize that everything in our life happens for a reason. we will always end up where we need to be and with who we are supposed to be with. life is crazy, confusing, and sometimes down right ridiculous, but if we can just live life with a smile on our face, laugh at ourselves, and love with all our hearts we will all find ourselves happier than we ever imagined!

the good news...